
  • Reclaiming your summer bod

    Every summer, Instagram seems to be awash with talk of the mysterious ā€œbeach bodā€, where everyone suddenly vows to adopt a healthy lifestyle and get abs ā€“ all so that they can bring out their bikinis and strut around on the golden sands with pride, earning the (perceived or real) admiration of their fellow beachgoers.Ā Ā 
  • Moves to keep that smile :))

    This week, weā€™ll be exploring some ideas to keep that smile on our faces.Ā  We may be indoors all the time, but hopefully these tips and tricks can help you find release and take a breather even within the four walls of our own home.
  • Foods to make you smile :)

    Been feeling under the weather or depressed?Ā  Suphia's is here with a few simple tips for you to help you eat right and reset your good mood!